Lighten & Brighten Series #4 – Kwik Stix for the Win!
This series is dedicated to the mama who may have discovered that she has either planned too much/too little or has not included enough variety/engaging activities in her homeschool lesson plans. Follow along as I show you ways that you can lighten your load without compromising learning while adding in some truly awesome extras!
Now, I hear you. If your load is heavy, why am I suggesting that you ADD something?! Well, I am actually going to offer suggestions for both replacing time-consuming (or otherwise challenging) things and including resources if you are currently left lacking at the end of your homeschool days. Hopefully, you’ll find something helpful in this series that will bless you and your family.
If you’d rather watch a video version of
this review, head to YouTube!
Next up in the series is what I’m calling the perfect art supply for toddlers, preschoolers and beyond! If you have not tried Kwix Stix yet, I am about to make your day! Seriously. No mess, easy to use, fun for kiddos, washable and they still allow for creativity!
The set comes with 12 bright colors of non-toxic tempura paint that goes on multiple surfaces easily. It dries super fast and doesn’t smear or run. My little miss gets so frustrated when her liquid paints mix together into a brownish gray mess. These Kwix Stix allow her to layer colors! She loves them and I’m happy to let her use them.
The sticks work just like glue sticks – simply turn the dial at the bottom to make the stick up or down. The caps are easy to put on and off so I don’t even have to open them for my daughter. She is truly able to use these independently and I don’t return to a huge mess. The design is nice for young hands that may not have the fine motor skills for using a paint brush yet. I also love the molded plastic try for putting them away. If you have ever asked a toddler to put crayons back in a box, you’ll understand why I love the fact that these sticks have a secure place to go before sliding the tray into the box.
Here are some of the ways we’ve used Kwik Stix to brighten our days and lighten my cleanup load ;). I hope these ideas will help you!
- Put these in the school time only bin for independent play. This will allow you to work with an older student.
- Use these in place of dot markers! Those markers bleed through paper, smear and take a while to dry. My daughter was often frustrated that she had to prime the markers before using. She just wants to take of the cap and go!
- Make posters for presentations and projects. (Yes, little miss want to do show and tell reports like her big brother.)
- Use in place of ink pads for finger print crafts. This works great!
- Paint pumpkins! The paint actually stays on, unlike other liquid options we’ve tried in the past.
Needless to say, we love Kwik Stix! I love that we found an art supply that claims “no mess” and actually delivers on the promise. What other fun ways have you found to use these? Leave a comment below with your favorite project ideas!
1 Comment
Karla Cook
What a great product for the craft cupboard!