Revealing Our 4th Grade Reading Lists!

We LOVE library day at this house! During the very strange shutdowns of 2020, my kids missed going up and down the aisles, browsing the shelves. Once our library resumed curbside pickup, I started requesting books for them, but it wasn’t the same. This list I’m sharing with you is kind of like my curbside pickups – not quite the same as finding books themselves. These are titles I have selected, based on what I know about my kids and what my goals are for them in the coming school year. I am going to start with our summer reading plans and continue on with our reading list for 4th grade.

Our planned summer read-alouds (all together) include:
– A Bear Called Paddington
– Mary Poppins by Amy Novesky (picture book)
– My Father’s Dragon
– Boxcar Children #6 and #7
– Stuart Little (audiobook)
– The Borrowers (audiobook)

Some of my choices appear on many younger age read-aloud lists. I chose them on purpose for light, quick reads over the summer. In addition, I have a little kindergartner enjoying those read alouds with us, so I have to balance both of their interests and maturity levels when making read aloud selections.

These are the selections I have reserved at my library for my fourth grader’s independent summer reading. He LOVES books in a series. I have the first book in each listed series on hold and will get remaining books if he chooses. If we are able to return to the library for him to pick out his own books, some of these may be omitted:

-The Speed Racer series
– Third Grade Detectives series
– McBroom’s Wonderful One-Acre Farm
– The Mystery of Pelican Cove
– The Littles
– Nascar Racing by Paul Challen
– Boxcar Children graphic novels

As with the read-aloud list, many of these books are below the level which he can solidly read. However, these meet my goals for summer reading and keep everyone smiling.

Now, let’s take a look at my selections for read-alouds starting in the fall when our “official” school year resumes:

– The Year of Miss Agnes
– In Grandma’s Attic (and remaining series if well-received)
– Come On, Sea Biscuit
– Snow Treasure
– Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
– Adventures of the Northwoods series
– Heroes, Horses and Harvest Moons (poems)
– An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving
– Just So Stories

And finally, here is list I’m pretty excited about – our book basket books! These selections could be things we read all together or my son may just pick them up if he really enjoys a certain topic we are studying. Also, these books serve as a built-in back up plan if I sense he is getting restless in his lessons and needs a change of pace. I’ve selected these books on topics that we will cover in our 4th grade curriculum. Therefore, I can quickly switch things up by grabbing a book basket book and leaving the curriculum behind for a day or two to bring in some variety. It’s all about option, lol. So, enough chatter, here is our 4th grade book basket picks:

– If Your Name was Changed at Ellis Island
– National Geographic Kids Ellis Island
– O Say Can You See by Shelia Keenan
– National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry
– Multiplying Menance
– Word Fun language art books
– Eats Shoots Leaves
– Punctuation Celebration
– The Multiplying Menance Divides
– Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
– Millions to Measure
– Divide and Ride
– Perimeter, Area and Volume: A Monster book of Dimensions
– Christmas Around the World by Mary Lankford
– Who Eats What?
– One Vote, Two Votes,I Vote, You Vote
– How the US Government Works
– Presidential Elections and Other cool facts by Syl Sobel
– We the Kids

We will, undoubtedly, grab more books than what is listed here. However, this is the plan we are starting with for now. I will post updates, library hauls and reviews on Instagram and YouTube, so be sure to follow me there, as well. (If you want to see my son’s assigned independent reading, head over to my 4th grade curriculum picks video or post.)

Now, it’s your turn! Do you have a list to share or maybe some favorites that we should try? Leave them below in case other mamas need some literature ideas.

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