Thankful to Learn

The Mom Blessings of Homeschooling || Time to Reflect

As I sit to write this, we are in the 7th week of the school year. This is the time that many new homeschool moms start to doubt their decision to educate their children at home. It is also the time where new and not-so-new homeschool moms start to feel weariness and a sense of overwhelming responsibility. So, that makes it a great time to encourage all with a look at a sampling of the many blessings you, as a mom, may experience as you educate at home.

I plan to film individual videos on my YouTube channel focused on each one of these blessings individually and specifically. If you’d prefer a condensed list, here you go:

  1. I love re-learning (and sometimes just learning) academics along with my children, seeing the joy of their discovery and being able to have great discussions with them!
  2. I have gained new accountability. Homeschool provides a daily heart-check for the spiritual/life lessons that I am teaching my kids.
  3. I better understand my weaknesses and have received many chances to grow through them.
  4. This mama is becoming a more humble, true worshipper as I daily realize my need of Christ in this journey.
  5. Our family has enjoyed many practical benefits, like unhurried evenings, vacation flexibility and freedom to explore interests and ministry opportunities.
  6. We are getting to really know each other and, Lord-willing, building forever relationships.

I undoubtedly could list more, but my goal is to encourage in bits. I know it’s hard for me to find time to sit and read articles. Hopefully this one has the right mix of encouragement and brevity to help you press on in the precious privilege to educate your children.

If you want more details, remember to subscribe over on my YouTube channel and catch these videos as I post them. I’d love to hear your Mom Blessings in the comments below. They truly cheer my heart. ๐Ÿ™‚

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This is my blog devoted to sharing lessons learned about thankful living. Along the way, you’ll see all sorts of bits of the life I’m so thankful to live.



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