Thankful to Learn

Introducing….Anyday Blessings!

So, what’s in a name? Well, believe it or not, the process to name this blog was not easy! I wanted a name to reflect simply and clearly what I hope to share. I hoped to find a name that inspires an attitude of thankfulness to make daily life a blessing. So, that part was easy – Blessing. But, I knew I wanted something that, just by the name, could remind my readers that thanksgiving should not be relegated to certain seasons of life.

Gratitude is not bound by life’s “big” moments

Gratitude comes relatively easy when we celebrate life’s big moments – weddings, births, holidays, or buying a new home. But the Lord convinced me that the blessings of a Tuesday in February are just as rich, if not more, than those experienced in the labor room and wedding chapel. I knew I needed to communicate that to my readers to be of help. I didn’t want to be just another voice. I wanted a purpose to my writings.

Then, one night at dinner, I just kind of blurted out to my husband, “I wish I could just tell everyone that God does not only shower us with blessings on certain, special days. He pours them on us any ol’ day!” And there it was – Anyday Blessings.

“Determine now to be a blessing hunter.”

So here it is. My named blog. And just like naming a child, a lot of thought went into this choice. I hope it lives up to the name by encouraging all of you to look deep and long into each and every, single day for the joy that IS there. Commit to find it. Determine now to be a blessing hunter. I don’t pretend to know alot about hunting. In fact, I’ve never been. However, I’ve heard plenty of tales and know that it takes patience, diligence and determination to even find the prey. And these are traits that carry over well to relentlessly uncovering the good in any day.

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This is my blog devoted to sharing lessons learned about thankful living. Along the way, you’ll see all sorts of bits of the life I’m so thankful to live.



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