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My Next Round of Homeschool Freebies with verydice!

I love using this app! Even as I sit here writing this post, it is running beside me on my phone, earning me free stuff! I admit, I have gone a little crazy searching for free homeschool stuff on verydice and I LOVE what I’m finding! So, even though I haven’t redeemed my points to get these yet, I thought I would show my next planned haul and give you a HUGE TIP to finding books/curriculum in the redemption search. (PS – I know alot of homeschoolers follow me here and it is what I choose to use the app for, however, think ALL of Amazon, people! The rewards are fulfilled by Amazon!! The sky is the limit for what you can choose as your rewards!)

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Next up for me is my preschooler. So far, all my verydice redemptions have been items for my son. So this time it’s all about the little miss. I will be starting Memoria Press Preschool with her this fall and noticed that I can’t find a few of the suggested books at my library. But guess where I CAN find them….for FREE!? That’s right, verydice! (By the way, they don’t capitalize the name and I have no idea if I am supposed to when writing about it so grammar police feel free to speak up, lol!)

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I was super excited to find the Joni Walker books on the app’s reward search because they sound like ones I don’t really want to skip. I will easily have enough tickets earned by my next redemption to get all three of these with some tickets left over towards the next preschool goody, a super fun Montessori-style math board! I know my daughter will love this! I completely forgot where I originally saw this board. I thought it was Timbertoodle, but it’s not there now. I may have just searched the verydice app for Montessori preschool toys. However I found it, I love it and am so excited to get it for free! I’ll definitely come back with a post of my little sweetie using it.

As promised, I do have a tip for you when searching for books or curriculum on the rewards search screen in verydice. First, find the item on Amazon or the publisher’s website. Look in the product description to find the ISBN number. Copy and paste that number in to the reward search bar in verydice. Poof! The book appears! I hope this saves you some time. I was searching by all sorts of different things to try and find what I wanted. I knew if I could find it on Amazon I should be able to find it in the verydice search. However, it isn’t perfect and can be a little tricky until you figure out the secret. Well, I just gave it you momma so go get some free curriculum! And because I am just super excited, I’ll tell you that the items I have “on deck” are my son’s Master Books science curriculum (see post feature photo from! I love their Science Starters series and was thrilled that the ISBN search trick help me add them to my verydice app wishlist!

If you found this post helpful, I’m so glad! I’d appreciate ifย  you’d use my friend code, 2338286, if you decide to give verydice a try. Let me know what you think about it! Here is a video that gives my latest tips for using the app to get freebies and here is a video that gives a general overview of verydice.


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This is my blog devoted to sharing lessons learned about thankful living. Along the way, you’ll see all sorts of bits of the life I’m so thankful to live.



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