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Follow-Up Post: Easy Hairstyles for Busy Mornings

If you caught my previous post about my morning routine tips, you be wondering how I use theย super comfy clips I mentioned. I thought I’d just post my favorite styles that take 2 minutes or less to do. Because we all have “one of THOSE mornings” at least a couple times a week.ย  So here we go — my top 5 hair-out-of-the-way-but-not-making-my-scalp-scream styles.


Sure, you could do this with a plastic claw. But 9 times out of 10 it will give you a headache or start sliding out by morning snack. You will end up adjusting it multiple times in the day and it will completely fail you at the most inconvenient moment. Using something that’s flexible allows it to conform to my hair so that the clip doesn’t slip, but doesn’t hurt either. This is a true winner. See a demo here.

Classic Ponytail

This one literally takes 30 seconds or less and doesn’t cause any hair breakage, a la elastic bands. I’ve used the flexi clips in both low and high ponytails and have just started experimenting with ways to use the bobby pins in a ponytail. Stay tuned for that one.

Celtic Knot Bun

I would have never thought that a hair stick could keep my hair up for more than 15 minutes. Thankfully, I learned how to do the Celtic Knot Bun and found hair sticks long and strong enough for securing my hair comfortably. This one did take me some practice at first, but once I got it, I was able to do it in less than a minute. Here’s a how-to video for you.


French Twist

For the days I don’t want any hair touching my neck, this is my go-to. So if I know I’m going to be out in the heat or even running around the house like crazy (isn’t that everyday?), this is how I do my hair. I have tried it both with the flexi clips and the u-pins and found I like them both. So I usually just grab whatever I touch first. The learning curve for the u-pins is a little steeper than the other products that Lilla Rose offers. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it at first. Watch this tutorial and then let me know if you are still having trouble. I have discovered some tips.


I typically only wear this style if we are going out to run errands or I am meeting with someone. There are so many style options for half-ups, but I typically just do a basic half-pony for time. I do also like the half-up twist because it gives just a little bit of lift to my hair in the front. If you’d like to try it, here’s a video for you.

My hair will look like one of these pictures on any given day, should you choose to show up on my doorstep. The best part is, that I won’t have a tension headache from my ponytail when you get there :).

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This is my blog devoted to sharing lessons learned about thankful living. Along the way, you’ll see all sorts of bits of the life I’m so thankful to live.



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